Briefs & sheets

Stairwell for OT & manufacturing

OT & manufacturing environments are being targeted It is a fact that attackers continue to identify weaknesses that they can exploit for their own financial gain or to cause as much disruption as possible to a targeted organization’s operations. This fact has taken on a new sense of urgency as more than half of industrial firms (54%) have suffered a ransomware attack that has impacted their operational technology, whether directly or because a linked IT system had been attacked.

These figures prove organizations across numerous sectors are now under pressure to detect the latest threats on systems and within environments often unsupported by traditional security tools. This is because attackers are gaining access to OT environments where they target Industrial Control Systems (ICS) or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, so they can cause the greatest amount of disruption.

Threat report: xz backdoor
Threat report: xz backdoor
Threat report: xz backdoor
How Stairwell users have insight into xz backdoor in their organizations, pIus IOCs & YARA rules.
Mastering asset management
Mastering asset management
Mastering asset management
Learn how to master asset management within the Stairwell platform.