How Stairwell works
You’re in good company

Companies of all shapes, sizes, and industries are working with Stairwell.

Get proactive with your security and hunt down new and emerging threats with automation and YARA at scale, before they make an impact.
Proactively (and automatically) detect threats – past and present – by ingesting and applying the latest intelligence across your entire environment.
Know exactly when and where files in your environment exist (or existed), so you’re never left wondering if you’re impacted by the latest threats.
Store every file, forever
Automatically collect everything from your standard .exe to a .lnk, .dll, .bin, and beyond to build a permanent evidence locker to help you find malware, previously unknown supply chain vulnerabilities, and more.
Discover malware variants
Threat actors are constantly creating new malware variants – automatically find them throughout your environment with a click of a button.
Operationalize threat intel
Know if you’re impacted by the latest threat of the day. Automatically extract IOCs, hashes, and YARA rules from threat reports and immediately scan your entire file corpus to identify active or related threats.
Find lurking and unknown threats
Continuously scan your environment with pre-built and custom YARA rules to hunt down lurking threats from any point in time with zero impact to your environment - all analysis is in the cloud.
Generate stronger signal
The moment you start digging into a file, Stairwell will begin the detonation process in the background to give you the context you need.
Know when to dig deeper
Trust nothing with continuous analysis; when there’s a new match against a YARA rule, a variant is found, or another trigger is set, get notified so you can remediate.
Connect with your workflow
Use pre-built integrations to help enrich or remediate alerts for the tools you already have in place, or use the Stairwell API to create custom integrations of your own.
Empower your entire team
Learn how Stairwell can enhance your entire security team.
Background pattern